Cancellation Policy
Can I cancel my order?
For some reasons, customers want to cancel their order after payment. For this issue, please check our policy as follows:
-Unpaid orders will not be processed. If you don't need it, just ignore it.
-Order cancelled within 24 hours after payment confirmation will be eligible for a full refund. (7% transaction fee should be deducted, please understand this is a fee due to the transaction, not charged by us)
- Cancellation within 24 to 72 hours after payment of the order: you will receive a partial refund consisting of 50% of the price of the item and the full shipping costs.
- Cancellation within 72 to 120 hours after payment of the order: you will receive a partial refund consisting of 30% of the price of the item and the full shipping costs.
- Cancellation beyond 120 hours after payment of the order: you will benefit from a partial refund including all shipping costs.
-Once your order has been shipped, it cannot be cancelled.